Sunday, February 10, 2013

No snow days here!

Dear Nick,

Hawaii has so much history and some pretty cool surprises.

Parker was nice enough to show me around his school. Punahou School was founded in 1841 and is the largest private school in the US (over 3,000 students from kindergarten - 12th grade!); it is also the alma mater of our President, Barack Obama; as you may know, he was born and raised in Hawaii.

Do you see the future President? This is his 5th grade class  picture.

What's really cool though about his school is that students don't even have to wear shoes if they don't want to (Parker wears "slippers" or flip-flops to school every day, except when he has PE). Parker says in addition to all the "national" holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, they also get to celebrate some more unique ones like Boys Day and Girls Day (Japanese), May Day (also known as Lei Day, Hawaiian) and Chinese New Year.

Most kids in his school are a mix of different ethnicities, like himself, part Chinese (his mom) and part haole (his dad; pronounced "how-lee" and meaning Caucasian, or "white"). It's pretty cool that Hawaii seems like such a "melting pot" of people.

I love Hawaii!



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